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søndag den 18. marts 2007

Count Your Bleessings

I marts nummeret af musikmagasinet Mojo er der en flot anmeldelse af den danske americanaduo Munck//Johnson‘s album ‘Count Your Bleessings’. Mojo stikker anbefalingsstjerner ud til de enkelte plader, og hvis de er til at stole på, så har ’Count Your Bleessings’ fået fire styk. Hvilket betyder, at albummet er ‘Brillant!’. I øvrigt er det, det samme antal stjerner, som det nye The Arcade Fire album ‘Neon Bible’ får.

“Rewiewing an album as hushed and hypnotic as this slo-core beauty from Camilla Munck and Moogie Johnson almost guarantees a Pseuds Corner spot. But their second album really is as weightless as a feather tapping a bubble, the fusion og their airy voices (Last Wish) less duet than sigh. The minimalist beauty Slavesong will delight insomniacs, miserabilists will love the wheezy mournful organ and chilling vokal of The Streets.”

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