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torsdag den 3. januar 2019

Af alle steder vil jeg allerhelst være i Austin på lørdag

“Well, Diego comes from a town called Saltillo in the state of Coahuila in northern Mexico. He's a young man just entering into his 20s. He loves rock 'n' roll. He loves literature. He loves film. Salvo comes from southern Italy. He's from Calabria. And he's also a young man that sees America as a land of dreams and opportunities. And they decide that they're going to go on a journey to find this America that they believe still exists.”

 - Alejandro Escovedo om baggrunden for albummet ’The Crossing’. En plade, der i og med, at året 2018 så småt er ved at bundefælde sig, står som et af de allerfedeste rockalbum, der udkom. Der var nu heller ingen tvivl om, at 'The Crossing' skulle med, da vi lavede Beat 2018.

Her et kort interview med Escovedo fra NPR:

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