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mandag den 18. februar 2019

"There is no one who can stand in his place, not even in his shadow."

Ovenstående svar, gav Alice Coltrane, da Essence Magazine på et tidspunkt i anden halvdel af halvfjerdserne, spurte hende om, hvorfor hun ikke havde giftet sig igen efter John Coltranes død i juli 1967.

Fotografiet med Alice Coltrane og børneflokken stammer fra Ebony Magazine, november 1967.

Billedteksten lyder: ”Family of late musician still lives in his shadow, though he is gone. Mrs. Coltrane is convinced that children (l to r.) step daughter Michelle, 7, sons Oran, six months, John Jr., 3, Rabi (Ravi, ikke Rabi) 2, will retain memories of the father they lost so early”

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