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lørdag den 29. august 2009

All In My Mind i Mod Strømmen

Mind refers to the aspects of intellect and consciousness manifested as combinations of thought, perception, memory, emotion, will and imagination, including all of the brain's conscious and unconscious cognitive processes. "Mind" is often used to refer especially to the thought processes of reason. Subjectively, mind manifests itself as a stream of consciousness.”
Ovenstående er en del af Wikipedias definition af ordet MIND. Lyt med, når radioprogrammet Mod Strømmen (98.9 FM / 98.8 Hybrid), forsøger at indkredse det nærmere. Det sker torsdag, 3. september, mellem kl. 18-20. Eneste regel er at MIND, skal indgå i titlen på de sange vi vælger. Som en påvirket mand engang sagde: ”Elementært, min kære Watson. Free Your MIND And Your Ass Will Follow!”

For god ordens skyld. Maleriet er Glenn Ligon’s ’In My Mind’

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