Siden 2004 har den amerikanske rockkritiker, historiker, journalist og forfatter Dave Marsh haft sit eget radioshow 'Kick Out The Jamz with Dave Marsh' på Sirius Satellite Radio i USA. Programmet tager udgangspunkt i rockmusik og politik, efter som March aldrig har lagt skjul på, at man gennem musik kan forandre verden.
Marsh første skridt som journalist tog han på rockbladet Creem, som han også var med til at starte, da han droppede ud af Detroit´s Wayne State University i 1969. Her skrev han, især om bysbørnene MC5 og Bob Seger, sidstnævnte var på det tidspunkt langtfra mainstream, samt garagerock og soulmusik. Det var i Creem, at Marsh, hvis man skal tro rygterne, var den første til at bruge betegnelsen 'punkrock', da han skrev en anmeldelse af en koncert med ? & The Mysterians.
Dave Marsh har siden blandt andet arbejdet for 'The Village Voice', 'Rolling Stone' og 'Playboy', ligesom han er redaktør på nyhedsbrevet 'Rock and Roll Confidential', senere omdøbt til 'Rock and Rap Confidential', der i Marsh ånd skriver om musik og socialpolitiske tiltag.
I 1979 publicerede han bogen 'Born To Run: The Bruce Springsteen Story', der satte en ny standard for rockbøger, idet det tidligere havde været reglen at den slags bøger kun appelerede til et teenagesegment. Væk var popblad-stilen. March´s gennemresearchede bog blev tilmed en bestseller.
Her følger en liste over Marsh´s publikationer:
Born To Run: The Bruce Springsteen Story. 1979
The Book of Rock Lists. 1980
Elvis. 1982
Rocktopicon: Unlikely questions and their surprising answers. 1982
Before I Get Old: The Story of the Who. 1983
Fortunate Son. 1983. A collection of his journalism and criticism.
The First Rock and Roll Confidential Report: Inside the Real World of Rock and Roll. 1984. Compilation.
Sun City: The Making of the Record. 1985
Trapped: Michael Jackson and the Crossover Dream. 1986
The Rolling Stone Record Guide: Reviews and Ratings of Almost 10,000 Currently Available Rock, Pop, Soul, Country, Blues, Jazz, and Gospel Albums (first and second editions 1979, 1983)
Glory Days: Bruce Springsteen in the 1980s, 1987. A sequel to Born to Run.
The Heart of Rock & Soul: The 1001 Greatest Singles Ever Made. 1989
Heaven Is Under Our Feet: A Book for Walden Woods, co-editor with Don Henley. 1991
50 Ways to Fight Censorship: And Important Facts to Know About the Censors. 1991
Louie Louie: The History and Mythology of the World's Most Famous Rock'n'Roll song; Including the Full Details of Its Torture and Persecution at the Hands of the Kingsmen, J. Edgar Hoover's F.B.I., and a Cast of Millions; and Introducing, for the First Time Anywhere, the Actual Dirty Lyrics. 1992
Merry Christmas Baby: Holiday Music from Bing to Sting. 1992.
Pastures of Plenty: A Self-Portrait with Harold Levanthal and featuring the writings of Woody Guthrie. 1992
The New Book of Rock Lists with James Bernard. 1994
Mid-Life Confidential: The Rock Bottom Remainders Tour America with Three Chords and an Attitude. 1994
Sam and Dave (For the Record series) 1998
Sly and the Family Stone: An Oral History (For the Record series) 1998
George Clinton & P-Funkadelic (For the Record series) 1998
Bruce Springsteen: Two Hearts : The Definitive Biography, 1972-2003. 2003. Combines earlier two works about Bruce and adds a new chapter.
Forever Young: Photographs of Bob Dylan with Douglas R. Gilbert. 2005
Bruce Springsteen on Tour : 1968-2005. 2006
Tænk, hvis DR eller TV2 Radio, turde ansætte en mand med et rock'n'roll og samfundssinds generalieblad, der var bare 1/3 så langt som Dave Marsh.