“The whole collection
feels like it’s falling on a bruise. I love that. There’s a wide variety of
tones between the stories. Some are straight-up noir, some comedy, some love
stories. We have tales of violence and death sitting alongside explorations of
unrequited love, featuring single parents, criminals, and struggling musicians.
Overall, it feels worn, wounded, but still defiant. You can tell this
collection was inspired by the band who recorded both Sorry Ma and All Shook
- jeg ved ikke om The
Replacements sangtitler er mere inspirerende / billedskabende end andre bands. Ikke
desto mindre, har den engelskfødte glaswegian, forfatter og nu redaktør, Jay
Stringer, sat en antologi sammen med 25 noveller, der alle tager udgangspunkt i en ’Mats
Læs et interview med Stringer her.
Det er iøvrigt muligt at bladre i bogen hos Amazon.
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